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Pizza Napoletana with Molino Dallagiovanna Napoletana 2.0

Pizza Napoletana with Molino Dallagiovanna Napoletana 2.0
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Pizza Napoletana with Molino Dallagiovanna Napoletana 2.0

The perfect process for a light airy and flavour packed Neapolitan dough.
This will make 6x 270g dough balls for a classic 12” Neapolitan pizza.



  • 600g cold tap water
  • 1000g flour
  • 30g salt
  • 1g instant yeast or 2.4g of fresh yeast


If using a mixer start by adding 600g water and the yeast to the bowl. Add 70% of the flour and start the mixer. After 1 minute add the rest of the flour and the salt and trickle in the rest of the water. Mix for 14 minutes or until dough reaches 23/24°c with an instant read thermometer.

Let the dough rest for 1 hour then divide into 250-270g balls and place in a dough tray or any kind of flat tray with a sealed lid.

After 8 hours at a comfortable room temperature of 22°c your dough will be ready to make pizza. To control the fermentation, you can keep the dough cool or even refrigerate to use the next day.